
英国安本集团董事长Sir Douglas Flint:中国是未来几十年全球经济增长的主引擎

安本集团董事长Sir Douglas Flint参加全球财富管理论坛2021北京峰会并作主题发言时表示,共同努力为向净零碳排放经济过渡提供资金以阻止迫在眉睫的气候危机已成为各界共识,净零碳经济是当前时代最大的商业机会之一。有效部署混合融资和战略性地利用发展融资来调动私人资本流向新兴市场和前沿市场是必由之路,需要各国资产管理公司加大合作,以减缓和适应为重点来应对气候变化。

公司新闻  /  2021年08月05日
英国安本集团董事长Sir Douglas Flint:中国是未来几十年全球经济增长的主引擎

安本集团董事长Sir Douglas Flint参加全球财富管理论坛2021北京峰会并作主题发言时表示,共同努力为向净零碳排放经济过渡提供资金以阻止迫在眉睫的气候危机已成为各界共识,净零碳经济是当前时代最大的商业机会之一。有效部署混合融资和战略性地利用发展融资来调动私人资本流向新兴市场和前沿市场是必由之路,需要各国资产管理公司加大合作,以减缓和适应为重点来应对气候变化。

Sir Douglas Flint建议,一是在投资时停止对碳密集型活动的投资,重点关注能够通过可持续解决方案实现向净零碳排放过渡的公司;二是将资金投向具有可信转型战略和气候解决方案的公司;三是投资于有助于适应气候变化物理效应的项目。在此过程中,还应进行国际金融合作,建立经济生态系统,以更可持续的方式重塑商业活动,从而确保未来的就业机会和子孙后代的生计,重建更美好的世界。


Douglas Flint  范智廉---(恒安标准养老母公司外方股东)安本集团董事长





























Speech at GAMF 2021 Beijing Summit

Sir Douglas Flint

24thJuly, 2021

First, let me offer my sincere thanks for having been given the opportunity to offer remarks at this important forum at such a critical time. The world is reflecting on how to rebuild economic activity post the COVID-19 pandemic and at the same time how to fund the transition urgently needed to meet shared commitments to a world of net-zero carbon emissions.

If we are to be successful – and we must be - it will because we have harnessed the skills and experience across the global pensions, insurance, banking, wealth and asset management sectors to work within and alongside government-led initiatives to build capacity for the transformation needed.

Policy makers and investors have long recognised the need to work together to finance a transition to a net-zero carbon economy to prevent the impending climate emergency. We are now seeing growing evidence of action. As a result, green finance has witnessed a sustained rise in the last few years with China at the forefront – that pace is growing - governments and companies, globally, are expected to issue $500bn in green debt in 2021, nearly half the total that has been raised since the asset class’s introduction more than ten years ago.

This growth in ‘Green Finance’ reflects not only issuers commitment to meet their contribution to the ‘green recovery’ but more importantly a real recognition that the economics of such financing is now compelling. Mark Carney, United Nations Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance has referred to a net-zero carbon economy as one of the greatest commercial opportunities of our time.

The pandemic and its devastating consequences on communities across the globe, particularly those that were already disadvantaged, has shown that it is crucial to ensure that the transition to a net-zero world is inclusive and socially beneficial. The concept of a ‘Just Transition’ is gaining momentum. There is now a mainstream recognition that efforts to tackle the climate emergency must incorporate consideration of the impact on people, societies, livelihoods, health and living standards. In many ways, this mirrors the ambitions of China’s Belt and Road Initiative

And there is no doubt that we will need a significant increase in private funding if we are to globally achieve such a Just Transition. Impact investing – investment that delivers a positive, measurable social or environmental impact alongside a financial return – is therefore a key enabler. Investors and asset managers can and must drive solutions that address both the environmental and social challenges of our time, looking to address the entrenched inequalities that exist between and within places and regions, from education and job opportunities to housing and health.

The effective deployment of blended finance and the strategic use of development finance to mobilise private capital flows to emerging and frontier markets, will be critical to crowding in private capital at the necessary scale.

UK/China business to business cooperation has already demonstrated what can be achieved for mutual benefit as we have worked together on connecting our stock markets, developing sustainable financing principles to support the greening of the Belt and Road Initiative, finding ways to support project viability and evidencing alignment of the BRI with the ambitions of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Given the concentration of asset management assets within and activities serving the citizens of the more developed and larger economies, my comments seek to take lessons from what is happening in those countries with the important reflection that it is essential, in the post COVID world, that investment activity through the global asset management industry builds economic growth and resilience globally, with particular attention given to impacts in the developing world, given the interconnectedness of all countries with regard to the greatest threats facing the global community.

As an international asset manager committed both to international financial collaboration and to working in and with China, we believe that dealing responsibly with the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis, in a spirit of global cooperation, is essential to the world we aspire to help build for future generations.

We believe the most effective way of tackling climate change is to focus on mitigation and adaptation, by:

1. Driving the carbon transition by engaging with companies to decarbonise portfolios. We want to move away from investing in carbon intensive activities and focus on companies that are enabling the transition to net zero with sustainable solutions

2. Directing capital towards companies with credible transition strategies and climate solutions – those that are likely to be the most effective at driving the transition to a lower-carbon economy.

3. Investing in projects that help us adapt to the physical effects of climate change, e.g. flood defences, improved water management systems and wildfire protection.

As governments reset their fiscal priorities and policies as indebtedness rises to unprecedented levels, and as they work out how to access the private sector capital pools essential to funding the commitments they have signed up to, they are being forced to rethink their interactions with the private sector.

At a geopolitical level, the shared challenges are also forcing governments to reconsider alliances, multilateralism, the role of the state versus private enterprise, centralised versus devolved powers and responsibilities within countries and the collection, use and transparency of data and the decision-making models into which such data is fed to support policy choices

There is also a reflection that speaks to the benefits of co-ordinated global cooperation gained from experience within the global financial system – had it not been for the coordinated actions taken during the global financial crisis by policy makers and regulators across the world to force greater resilience into the largest financial institutions and market places, the impact of this pandemic would have precipitated a global financial crisis at the same time as the pandemic with disastrous consequences. The benefits of global coordination and cooperation for shared risks are borne out by this example. It is imperative that we use the lessons learned.

Most important is the recognition that the major challenges facing the world  – climate change, pandemics, population growth, economic inequality between and within countries and the impact of all of these on migration flows, are incapable of being solved by nations acting alone or even regionally – a framework of global cooperation and resource pooling will be needed with an international coordination framework that sets aside geopolitical rivalries. The challenges we face respect no physical or man-made borders, so we need to reflect on the capabilities and capacities of the least prepared nations, lest the impacts of their inadequacies overwhelm the most prepared nations.

Initiatives such as China’s Belt and Road Initiative, the recently announced Build Back Better World at the G7, together with the work of the Multilateral Development Banks have a significant contribution to make; to be as successful as these need to be will require international financial collaboration to build the necessary capacity. This will require the active participation of the world’s largest asset owners and asset managers to fund the hard and soft infrastructure that will improve global resilience and at the same time create an asset class offering sustainable and attractive returns while building the economic ecosystem to secure a future for future generations. As one small example, atabrdnwe are partnering with CCB International Asset Management in a Belt and Road bond strategy.

We should also take the opportunity of the current global consensus to build a more resilient world by accelerating trends already underway – as we recapitalise economies we have the opportunity to reshape business activity in a more sustainable way, notably with regard to climate change; as digital business takes an ever greater share of transactions, international financial collaboration becomes even more important both to facilitate and to understand economic activity and to agree how and where to tax such activity; and as ever more data is collected, the urgency of global collaboration on data localisation, data privacy and data sharing policies is clear.

And we need cooperation, possibly led by the private sector, to guard against growing nationalism, populism, protectionism, de-globalisation, reduced multilateralism, increased non-tariff barriers all of which will adversely impact capacity for financing cross border trade and investment, risking a polarised global economy.

But in my opinion the opportunities are greater and arise from a theme of this forum – that of cooperation – building back better as we invest in the global economic recovery and bolster financial cooperation.

· Today’s investors want to see their savings do good, as well as make a decent return. That means ensuring greater investment in the productive capacity and innovation that will secure the future jobs and livelihoods of future generations. It means harnessing the aggregate pools of pension savings to use their ability to take a long-term perspective to fund the hard and soft infrastructure that will secure the type of future current contributors seek.  While the largest pools of savings are today in the developed world, the largest future flows will come from the faster growing economies whose pension systems can learn from the experience of the demographically older countries – particularly with regard to mandatory savings schemes and workplace pensions - again areas ripe for greater cooperation

· Alongside this is the growing democratisation of savings – that is more responsibility for retirement planning resting with the individual; this  is creating a growing body of the population with demand for and need of advice and well-structured, digital and transparently delivered solutions to their particular circumstances; this opportunity is now combined with the need to build back savings lost in the pandemic.

· There is near universal pressure from investors to ‘build back better’ meaning lower carbon intensity, environmentally protective, sound labour practices, resource efficient, governance assured – essentially all of the ESG factors that are driving the largest investment flows today into funds that are mandated to invest in ESG accredited projects and companies. China’s commitment to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060 is both ground-breaking and essential if we are to meet the ambitions of the Paris Agreement. The UK and China have a long history of cooperation on Green Finance and related issues and with the upcoming COP26 Climate Change Conference in Glasgow and the COP15 Convention on Biodiversity in Kunming there is an exceptional opportunity for UK-China cooperation and collaboration to strengthen the ambitions and goals of both conferences

· Finally, we are seeing emerging markets open to encourage the innovation and improved efficiency and best practices that arise from the competition encouraged by such opening up. This recognises that the savings world, particularly that of the future enabled by digitalisation is increasingly global – mirroring the world of shared opportunity that the trade and investment flows which attract investment are building. China as the largest prospective savings pool in the world continues to open up its savings, pensions and asset management markets and the recent spate of announcements of foreign institution expansion into China bear witness to the scale of the opportunities recognised.

So let me conclude by saying the financial system has a huge opportunity to be seen as supporting recovery from the consequences of COVID-19, to be seen to do so in a way that contributes to a better future, to do so in a way that facilitates delivery of a green recovery and a net-zero destination and ensures we are better prepared for the next crisis.

The UK as the host to the most international of financial markets and China as the engine of incremental global economic growth over the next several decades have the opportunity to demonstrate to the world that through collaboration and cooperation the global economy can emerge faster and stronger from the current downturn and evidence clearly the benefits of working together for a future of shared prosperity.

Thank you.





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英国安本集团董事长Sir Douglas Flint:中国是未来几十年全球经济增长的主引擎